Message from the President
The market for information and communication networks is being transformed into a new business that goes beyond
the previous limits due to the spread of cloud computing, used for various services, as well as the IoT, which
connects everything in the network. As services are more and more enhanced and industries become borderless and
a new network society is expected to be formed, the technologies and sales approaches for providing products
and services to fulfill customers' requirements are about to undergo even greater change.
Amid this changing market environment, the SAXA Group will continue to provide rapid solutions that achieve a safe,
secure, comfortable, and convenient environment for our customers. At the same time, we will embrace our
management philosophy: to "create new value and contribute to the development of a vibrant and prosperous society
with a focus on ingenious technology."
All of us at the SAXA Group consider customer satisfaction to be our highest priority. We appreciate your
understanding of our aspirations and your continued patronage of the SAXA Group.